daily studio boxes, fly gallery

For the Fly Gallery exhibition, 2007, Queen Street West, Toronto, I asked Toronto artists, Tanya Read and Scott Carruthers,

whose window this was, (fronting their private working space) to collaborate and add to the daily studio boxes. 

They were both given boxes to use for their own studio detritus. 

In so doing this installation also responds to a store window, 

where most often one finds displayed the wares of the occupants of the store.

I then photographed the contents of their boxes for inclusion in the installation.

The installation also included a jpeg ring column

 made up of the captions edited and leftover from the contact sheets, destined for matchbox multiples.

Read.Img.0885, 2007, ink jet print, 11″ x 8½”

Read.Img.0907, 2007, ink jet print, 11″ x 8½”

Carruthers.Img.0920, 2007, ink jet print, 11″ x 8½”

Carruthers.Img.0961, 2007, ink jet print, 11″ x 8½”

Wynick.Img.0970, 2007, ink jet print, 11″ x 8½”

Wynick.Img.0989, 2007, ink jet print, 11″ x 8½”